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Isolate users in namespace

Sometimes, you submit a job(training job or serving job) in a namespace, but you want others have no privileges to operate(eg: list,get,delete...) the job you submit in the namespace, this doc can help you.

Create namespace

Firstly, admin user create a namespace and label the namespace with ''. In the sample,we create a namespace whose name is 'training'.

$ kubectl create ns training

$ kubectl label ns training

the label '' represents the namespace should isolate users, if you no need to isolate users,you can delete the label.

Create Two Users

To show the effect, we will create two users(eg: 'tom' and 'bob') by the script, this step should done by admin user.

Create user 'tom' and make sure he can use namespace 'training'.

$ --user-name tom --user-namespace training

2021-08-03/17:06:04  DEBUG  found arena charts in /Users/yangjunfeng/charts
2021-08-03/17:06:04  DEBUG  the user configuration not set,use the default configuration file
resourcequota/arena-quota-tom created
serviceaccount/tom created created created created created
configmap/arena-user-tom created
Cluster "" set.
User "tom" set.
Context "tom" created.
Switched to context "tom".
2021-08-03/17:06:05  DEBUG  kubeconfig written to file ./tom.kubeconfig

This script will generate the kubeconfig file in the current directory and name is 'tom.kubeconfig'.

Then create the kubeconfig file for user bob.

$ --user-name bob --user-namespace training

2021-08-03/17:11:40  DEBUG  namespace training has been existed,skip to create it
2021-08-03/17:11:40  DEBUG  found arena charts in /Users/yangjunfeng/charts
2021-08-03/17:11:40  DEBUG  the user configuration not set,use the default configuration file
resourcequota/arena-quota-bob created
serviceaccount/bob created created created created created
configmap/arena-user-bob created
Cluster "" set.
User "bob" set.
Context "bob" created.
Switched to context "bob".
2021-08-03/17:11:41  DEBUG  kubeconfig written to file ./bob.kubeconfig

The kubeconfig file is stored in ./bob.kubeconfig

Submit a Training Job by user tom

Firstly,submit a training job by user tom.

$ export KUBECONFIG=./tom.kubeconfig

$ arena submit mpijob \
    --name=mpi-test-tom \
    --gpus=1 \
    --workers=2 \
    --working-dir=/perseus-demo/tensorflow-demo/ \ \
    'mpirun python /benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ --model resnet101 --batch_size 64     --variable_update horovod --train_dir=/training_logs --summary_verbosity=3 --save_summaries_steps=10'

Then,list the training jobs.

$ arena list
NAME          STATUS   TRAINER  DURATION  GPU(Requested)  GPU(Allocated)  NODE
mpi-test-tom  RUNNING  MPIJOB   6s        2               2     

Get the training job information.

$ arena get mpi-test-tom
Name:      mpi-test-tom
Status:    RUNNING
Namespace: default
Priority:  N/A
Trainer:   MPIJOB
Duration:  15s

  NAME                         STATUS   AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
  ----                         ------   ---  --------  --------------  ----
  mpi-test-tom-launcher-2jwqj  Running  15s  true      0               cn-beijing.
  mpi-test-tom-worker-0        Running  15s  false     0               cn-beijing.
  mpi-test-tom-worker-1        Running  15s  false     0               cn-beijing. 

Submit a Training Job by user bob

Firstly,submit a training job by user tom.

$ export KUBECONFIG=./bob.kubeconfig

$ arena submit mpijob \
    --name=mpi-test-bob \
    --gpus=1 \
    --workers=2 \
    --working-dir=/perseus-demo/tensorflow-demo/ \ \
    'mpirun python /benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ --model resnet101 --batch_size 64     --variable_update horovod --train_dir=/training_logs --summary_verbosity=3 --save_summaries_steps=10'

List the training jobs.

$ arena list
NAME          STATUS   TRAINER  DURATION  GPU(Requested)  GPU(Allocated)  NODE
mpi-test-bob  PENDING  MPIJOB   5s        2               2               N/A

As you can see, the user 'bob' only find a training job created by him and the training job 'mpi-test-tom' is not visible for him.

If you get the training job 'mpi-test-tom' information,arena will return an error.

$ arena get mpi-test-tom
ERRO[0000] you have no privileges to operate the job,because the owner of job is not you

And delete the training job mpi-test-tom also return an error.

$ arena delete mpi-test-tom
ERRO[0000] you have no privileges to operate the job,because the owner of job is not you