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Only Install Arena Binary

Sometimes, we don’t need to install arena completely, we just want to install the arena executable file on our laptop. This document can help you.

1. Prepare kubeconfig file with name config and place it to ~/.kube.

2. Download the latest installer from Release Page, and rename it to arena-installer.tar.gz

3. execute the following command to untar the package:

$ tar -xvf arena-installer.tar.gz

4. copy the executable files to /usr/local/bin and rename them:

$ chmod +x bin/*
$ cp bin/helm /usr/local/bin/arena-helm
$ cp bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/arena-kubectl
$ cp bin/arena /usr/local/bin/arena

5. copy the charts directory to the home directory of current user.

$ cp -a charts ~/

Then you can use [tab] to auto complete the command:

$ arena list
tf1             PENDING  TFJOB    0s   N/A
caffe-1080ti-1  RUNNING  HOROVOD  45s

$ arena get [tab]
caffe-1080ti-1  tf1