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Model Manage Guide

Welcome to the Arena Model Manage Guide! This guide covers how to use the arena model subcommand to manage registered model and model versions. This page outlines the most common situations and questions that bring readers to this section.

Who Should Use this Guide?

If you want to use arena to manage models, this guide is for you. We have included detailed usages for managing models.


Arena now use MLflow as model registry backend, so you first need to run MLflow tracking server with database as storage backend beforehand. See MLflow Tracking Server for detailed information.


Access MLflow Tracking Server In Non-proxied Mode

To access MLflow tracking server in non-proxied mode, you need to set up the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable as follows:

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://<tracking-server-host>:<port>

Replace <tracking-server-host> with the hostname or IP address of your MLflow tracking server, and <port> with the port number on which the tracking server is listening to.

Access MLflow Tracking Server In Proxied Mode

If you run the MLflow tracking server within a Kubernetes cluster and do not set up the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable, then Arena will search for services named ack-mlflow or mlflow across all namespaces and create a model client proxied by Kubernetes API server. If no such service is found, an error will be thrown. If multiple services are found, the first one will be used.

Configure Basic Authentication

When the MLflow tracking server is secured with basic authentication, set up the MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME and MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD environment variables to ensure that your MLflow client can authenticate with the tracking server successfully:


Remember to replace <username> and <password> with your actual username and password for the MLflow tracking server.

When accessing MLflow tracking server in proxied mode, basic authentication is not supported because the API server proxy will strip out Authorization HTTP header.

Model Management

Create a Model Version

$ arena model create \
    --name my-model \
    --tags key1,key2=value2 \
    --description "This is some description about my-model" \
    --version-tags key3,key4=value4 \
    --version-description "This is some description about my-model v1" \
    --source pvc://my-pvc/models/my-model/1
INFO[0000] registered model "my-model" created     
INFO[0000] model version 1 for "my-model" created  

Get a Registered Model or Model Version

Get a registered model named my-model:

$ arena model get \
    --name my-model
Name:                my-model
LatestVersion        1
CreationTime:        2024-04-09T19:53:15+08:00
LastUpdatedTime:     2024-04-09T19:53:15+08:00
  This is some description about my-model
  createdBy: arena
  key2: value2
  Version    Source
  ---        ---
  1          pvc://my-pvc/models/my-model/1

Get model version 1 of registered model named my-model:

$ arena model get \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1
Name:                my-model
Version:             1
CreationTime:        2024-04-09T19:53:15+08:00
LastUpdatedTime:     2024-04-09T19:53:15+08:00
Source:              pvc://my-pvc/models/my-model/1
  This is some description about my-model v1
  createdBy: arena
  key4: value4

List All Registered Models

$ arena model list 
my-model             1                    2024-04-09T19:53:15+08:00 

Update a Registered Model or Model Version

Update registered model named my-model:

$ arena model update \
    --name my-model \
    --description "This is some updated description" \
    --tags key1=updatedValue1,key2=updatedValue2 
INFO[0000] registered model "my-model" updated  

Update version 1 of model named my-model:

$ arena model update \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1 \
    --version-description "This is some updated description about version 1" \
    --version-tags key3=newValue3,key4=newValue4
INFO[0000] model version "my-model/1" updated 

If you want to delete tags, do as follows:

$ arena model update \
    --name my-model \
    --tags key1-,key2=value2- \
    --version 1 \
    --version-tags key3-,key4=value4-
INFO[0000] registered model "my-model" updated          
INFO[0000] model version "my-model/1" updated  

This will delete tag with key key1 and key2 of registered model named my-model and delete tag key3 and key4 of model version 1.

Delete a Registered Model or Model Version

Delete a registered model named my-model with confirmation:

$ arena model delete \
  --name my-model
Delete a registered model will cascade delete all its model versions. Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (yes/no)
registered model "my-model" deleted

Or you can delete a registered model without confirmation by adding --force flag:

$ arena model delete \
  --name my-model \
registered model "my-model" deleted

Delete model version 1 of registered model named my-model with confirmation:

$ arena model delete \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1
Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (yes/no)
model version "my-model/1" deleted

Or you can delete a model version without confirmation by adding --force flag:

$ arena model delete \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1 \
model version "my-model/1" deleted
Delete a registered model will cascade delete all its model versions, so you should do it carefully.

Register a Model Version When Submitting a Training Job

Submit a Training Job

When submitting a training job, you can register a model version at the same time as follows:

  • --model-name: The name of the model to be registered. Upon successful submission of the training job, the model (if it doesn't exist) and a new model version will be created.
  • --model-source: The model source is a URI that specifies the location of the model, for example s3://my-bucket/path/to/model, pvc://namespace/pvc-name/path/to/model. In this example, the model produced by the training is stored in the /bloom-560m-sft directory on the training-data pvc in the default namespace.
$ arena submit pytorchjob \
  --name=bloom-sft \
  --namespace=default \
  --gpus=1 \ \
  --data=training-data:/model \
  --model-name=my-model \
  --model-source=pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft \
  "cd /model/DeepSpeedExamples/applications/DeepSpeed-Chat/training/step1_supervised_finetuning && bash training_scripts/other_language/ /model/bloom-560m-sft" created
INFO[0001] The Job bloom-sft has been submitted successfully 
INFO[0001] You can run `arena get bloom-sft --type pytorchjob -n default` to check the job status 
INFO[0001] registered model "my-model" created
INFO[0001] model version 1 for "my-model" created

Get Information About the Training Job

By querying information about the training job, we can know that this job is associated with version 1 of model named my-model:

$ arena get bloom-sft      
Name:          bloom-sft
Status:        PENDING
Namespace:     default
Priority:      N/A
Trainer:       PYTORCHJOB
Duration:      37s
CreateTime:    2024-04-10 16:36:39
ModelName:     my-model
ModelVersion:  1
ModelSource:   pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft

  NAME                STATUS   AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
  ----                ------   ---  --------  --------------  ----
  bloom-sft-master-0  Pending  37s  true      1               N/A

Get Information About the Model Version Associated with the Training Job

$ arena model get \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1
Name:                my-model
Version:             1
CreationTime:        2024-04-10T16:36:39+08:00
LastUpdatedTime:     2024-04-10T16:36:39+08:00
Source:              pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft
  arena submit pytorchjob \
      --data training-data:/model \
      --gpus 1 \
      --image \
      --model-name my-model \
      --model-source pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft \
      --name bloom-sft \
      --namespace=default \
      "cd /model/DeepSpeedExamples/applications/DeepSpeed-Chat/training/step1_supervised_finetuning && bash training_scripts/other_language/ /model/bloom-560m-sft"
  createdBy: arena 3399d840e8b371ed7ca45dda29debeb1
  modelName: my-model

Refer a Model Version When Submitting a Serving Job

Submit a Serving Job

When submitting a serving job, you can associate it with a model by specifying --model-name and --model-version flags. It is necessary to ensure that the model used by the serving job is the one specified.

$ arena serve custom \
    --name=bloom-tgi-inference \
    --namespace=default \
    --gpus=1 \
    --version=v1 \
    --replicas=1 \
    --restful-port=8080 \
    --data=training-data:/model \
    --model-name=my-model \
    --model-version=1 \
    --image=text-generation-inference:0.8 \
    "text-generation-launcher --disable-custom-kernels --model-id /model/bloom-560m-sft --num-shard 1 -p 8080"
service/bloom-tgi-inference-v1 created
deployment.apps/bloom-tgi-inference-v1-custom-serving created
INFO[0001] The Job bloom-tgi-inference has been submitted successfully 
INFO[0001] You can run `arena serve get bloom-tgi-inference --type custom-serving -n default` to check the job status

Get Information About the Serving Job

By querying information about the serving job, we can know that this job is associated with version 1 of model named my-model:

$ arena serve get bloom-tgi-inference
Name:          bloom-tgi-inference
Namespace:     default
Type:          Custom
Version:       v1
Desired:       1
Available:     0
Age:           7s
Port:          RESTFUL:8080
ModelName:     my-model
ModelVersion:  1
ModelSource:   pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft

  NAME                                                    STATUS   AGE  READY  RESTARTS  NODE
  ----                                                    ------   ---  -----  --------  ----
  bloom-tgi-inference-v1-custom-serving-86cc9fb59c-dcxdp  Pending  7s   0/1    0

Get Information About the Model Associated With the Serving Job

$ arena model get \
    --name my-model \
    --version 1
Name:                my-model
Version:             1
CreationTime:        2024-04-10T16:36:39+08:00
LastUpdatedTime:     2024-04-10T16:36:39+08:00
Source:              pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft
  arena submit pytorchjob \
      --data training-data:/model \
      --gpus 1 \
      --image \
      --model-name my-model \
      --model-source pvc://default/training-data/bloom-560m-sft \
      --name bloom-sft \
      --namespace=default \
      "cd /model/DeepSpeedExamples/applications/DeepSpeed-Chat/training/step1_supervised_finetuning && bash training_scripts/other_language/ /model/bloom-560m-sft"
  createdBy: arena 3399d840e8b371ed7ca45dda29debeb1
  modelName: my-model