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Uninstall Arena

Sometimes you may wish to delete arena, this document will help you.

What will be deleted?

The following resources will be deleted:

  • Custom Resource Defines(CRDs) created by arena
  • the 'arena-system' namespace
  • the directories include ~/charts and /charts on you computer
  • the arena binary file which is hosted on /usr/local/bin/arena

Arena Version >= 0.8.5

If your arena version >= 0.8.5,the arena-uninstall already exists on your computer and you can run arena-uninstall -h to get the usage.

$  arena-uninstall -h

Usage of arena-uninstall:
        force delete the Custom Resource Instances
  -manifest-dir string
        specify the kubernetes-artifacts directory
        quiet for all choices

1. There is an question about that whether you force delete the Running Custom Resource Instances(eg: tfjobs,mpijobs,pytorchjobs), like:

$ arena-uninstall
Please confirm whether to delete the running Custom Resource Instances(eg: tfjob,mpijob)[Y/N]:

2. If you want to force delete the running Custom Resource Instances, you can add option '--force':

$ arena-uninstall --force

3. If you don't want the question when run the arena-uninstall,you can:

$ arena-uninstall --quiet

Arena Version < 0.8.5

Firstly, you should download the arena package from releases and its' version must large than 0.8.5

Then,execute the following commands to delete arena:

$ tar -xf arena-installer-xxxx-xxxxx-linux-amd64.tar.gz

$ cd arena-installer

$ bin/arena-uninstall