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Build Pytorch Training Job

This section introduces how to customly build a Pytorch training job.




func NewPytorchJobBuilder() *PytorchJobBuilder


PytorchJobBuilder has following functions to custom your Pytorch training job.

function description matches cli option
Name(name string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the job name --name
Command(args []string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the job command -
WorkingDir(dir string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the working dir --working-dir
Envs(envs map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the container env --env
GPUCount(count int) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the gpu count of each worker --gpus
Image(image string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the image --image
Tolerations(tolerations []string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the k8s node taint tolerations --toleration
ConfigFiles(files map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the configuration files --config-file
NodeSelectors(selectors map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the node selectors --selector
Annotations(annotations map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the instance annotations --annotation
Datas(volumes map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the data pvc --data
DataDirs(volumes map[string]string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify host path and its' mapping container path --data-dir
LogDir(dir string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the log dir --logdir
Priority(priority string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the priority --priority
EnableRDMA() *PytorchJobBuilder enable rdma --rdma
SyncImage(image string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the sync image --sync-image
SyncMode(mode string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the sync mode(rsync,git) --sync-mode
SyncSource(source string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the code address(eg: git url or rsync url) --sync-source
EnableTensorboard() *PytorchJobBuilder enable tensorboard --tensorboard
TensorboardImage(image string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the tensorboard image --tensorboard-image
ImagePullSecrets(secrets []string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the image pull secret --image-pull-secret
WorkerCount(count int) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the worker count --workers
CPU(cpu string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the cpu limits --cpu
Memory(memory string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the memory limits --memory
CleanPodPolicy(policy string) *PytorchJobBuilder specify the cleaning pod policy --clean-task-policy
Build() (*Job, error) build the Pytorch training job -


package main

import (


func main() {
    jobName := "pytorch-test"
    jobType := types.PytorchTrainingJob
    // create arena client
    client, err := arenaclient.NewArenaClient(types.ArenaClientArgs{
        Kubeconfig: "",
        LogLevel:   "info",
        Namespace:  "default",
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to create arena client,reason: %v", err)
    // create tfjob
    /* command:
    arena \
    submit \
    pytorchjob \
    --name=pytorch-standalone-test \
    --gpus=1 \
    --sync-mode=git \
    --tensorboard \
    --sync-source= \
    --loglevel debug \ \
    "python /root/code/mnist-pytorch/ --backend gloo"
    submitJob, err := training.NewPytorchJobBuilder().
        Command([]string{"python /root/code/mnist-pytorch/ --backend gloo"}).Build()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to build pytorchjob,reason: %v\n", err)
    // submit tfjob
    if err := client.Training().Submit(submitJob); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to submit job,reason: %v\n", err)