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Get serving job details

You can use arena serve get to get the serving job details, we will introduce some usages about arena serve get.

1. Get the serving job details.

$ arena serve get fast-style-transfer
Name:           fast-style-transfer
Namespace:      default
Type:           Custom
Version:        alpha
Desired:        1
Available:      1
Age:            11m
Port:           RESTFUL:31129->5000
GPUs:           1

NAME                                                       STATUS   AGE  READY  RESTARTS  GPUs  NODE
----                                                       ------   ---  -----  --------  ----  ----
fast-style-transfer-alpha-custom-serving-856dbcdbcb-sxx2n  Running  11m  1/1    0         1     cn-beijing.

2. you cant get the serving job details with json(or yaml) format only add option -o json(or -o yaml).

$ arena serve get fast-style-transfer -o json
    "name": "fast-style-transfer",
    "namespace": "default",
    "type": "Custom",
    "version": "alpha",
    "age": "13m",
    "desiredInstances": 1,
    "availableInstances": 1,
    "endpoints": [
            "name": "RESTFUL",
            "port": 5000,
            "nodePort": 31129
    "ip": "",
    "instances": [
            "name": "fast-style-transfer-alpha-custom-serving-856dbcdbcb-sxx2n",
            "status": "Running",
            "age": "13m",
            "readyContainers": 1,
            "totalContainers": 1,
            "restartCount": 0,
            "nodeIP": "",
            "nodeName": "cn-beijing.",
            "ip": "",
            "requestGPUs": 1,
            "requestGPUMemory": 0
    "requestGPUs": 1,
    "requestGPUMemory": 0

3. You can use --type(or -T) to specify the serving job type.

$ arena serve get fast-style-transfer -T custom
Name:           fast-style-transfer
Namespace:      default
Type:           Custom
Version:        alpha
Desired:        1
Available:      1
Age:            14m
Port:           RESTFUL:31129->5000
GPUs:           1

NAME                                                       STATUS   AGE  READY  RESTARTS  GPUs  NODE
----                                                       ------   ---  -----  --------  ----  ----
fast-style-transfer-alpha-custom-serving-856dbcdbcb-sxx2n  Running  14m  1/1    0         1     cn-beijing.

4. You can use -v(or --version) to specify the serving job version.

$ arena serve get fast-style-transfer -T custom -v alpha
Name:           fast-style-transfer
Namespace:      default
Type:           Custom
Version:        alpha
Desired:        1
Available:      1
Age:            16m
Port:           RESTFUL:31129->5000
GPUs:           1

NAME                                                       STATUS   AGE  READY  RESTARTS  GPUs  NODE
----                                                       ------   ---  -----  --------  ----  ----
fast-style-transfer-alpha-custom-serving-856dbcdbcb-sxx2n  Running  16m  1/1    0         1     cn-beijing.