Update serving
This recipe suggest how to update the tensorflow serving after it has deployed.
1. Deploy a tensorflow serving job follow the submit a tensorflow serving job which uses gpus.
2. Update the serving.
arena support update some config of tensorlfow serving after it has deployed.
$ arena serve update tensorflow --help
Update a tensorflow serving job and its associated instances
arena serve update tensorflow [flags]
--command string the command will inject to container's command.
--cpu string the request cpu of each replica to run the serve.
-e, --env stringArray the environment variables
--gpumemory int the limit GPU memory of each replica to run the serve.
--gpus int the limit GPU count of each replica to run the serve.
-h, --help help for tensorflow
--image string the docker image name of serving job
--memory string the request memory of each replica to run the serve.
--model-config-file string corresponding with --model_config_file in tensorflow serving
--model-name string the model name for serving, ignored if --model-config-file flag is set
--model-path string the model path for serving in the container, ignored if --model-config-file flag is set, otherwise required
--monitoring-config-file string corresponding with --monitoring_config_file in tensorflow serving
--name string the serving name
--replicas int the replicas number of the serve job.
--version string the serving version
Global Flags:
--arena-namespace string The namespace of arena system service, like tf-operator (default "arena-system")
--config string Path to a kube config. Only required if out-of-cluster
--loglevel string Set the logging level. One of: debug|info|warn|error (default "info")
-n, --namespace string the namespace of the job
--pprof enable cpu profile
--trace enable trace
for example, if you want to scale the replicas, you can use
$ arena serve update tensorflow --name=mymnist1 --replicas=2
and if you want to update the model path, you can do like this command.
$ arean serve update tensorflow --name=mymnist1 --model-name=/tfmodel/new_mnist
After you execute the command, the tensorflow serving will do rolling update with the support of kubernetes deployment.