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Delete the training jobs

When the training jobs have been finished, you can delete them, for example, the following training jobs has been finished.

$ arena list
NAME                           STATUS     TRAINER  DURATION  GPU(Requested)  GPU(Allocated)  NODE
tf-standalone-test             SUCCEEDED  TFJOB    11m       1               N/A   
mpi-dist                       SUCCEEDED  MPIJOB   10m       1               N/A   
elastic-training               SUCCEEDED  ETJOB    2d        0               N/A             N/A
horovod-resnet50-v2-4x8-fluid  SUCCEEDED  MPIJOB   1h        0               N/A             N/A
horovod-resnet50-v2-4x8-nfs    SUCCEEDED  MPIJOB   2h        0               N/A             N/A

You can use arena delete to delete the finished training jobs,like:

$ arena delete tf-standalone-test  mpi-dist