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Get training job logs

You can use arena logs to get the training job logs, we will introduce some usages for you.

1. arena logs can help you to get the training job logs.

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test

Accuracy at step 9900: 0.9822
Save checkpoint at step 9900: 0.9822
Accuracy at step 9910: 0.982
Accuracy at step 9920: 0.9819
Accuracy at step 9930: 0.9821
Accuracy at step 9940: 0.9827
Accuracy at step 9950: 0.982
Accuracy at step 9960: 0.9814
Accuracy at step 9970: 0.9818
Accuracy at step 9980: 0.9823
Accuracy at step 9990: 0.9823
Adding run metadata for 9999
Total Train-accuracy=0.9823

2. If you want to get the last n lines of the training job logs, you can use -t n(or --tail n), the following command will display the last 10 lines of the training job.

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test -n 10

Accuracy at step 9920: 0.9819
Accuracy at step 9930: 0.9821
Accuracy at step 9940: 0.9827
Accuracy at step 9950: 0.982
Accuracy at step 9960: 0.9814
Accuracy at step 9970: 0.9818
Accuracy at step 9980: 0.9823
Accuracy at step 9990: 0.9823
Adding run metadata for 9999
Total Train-accuracy=0.9823

3. If you want to get the logs of target training job instance, you can use -i <INSTANCE_NAME>(or --instance <INSTANCE_NAME>).

Get the instance of training job from arena get command.

$ arena get tf-standalone-test

Name:        tf-standalone-test
Status:      SUCCEEDED
Namespace:   default
Priority:    N/A
Trainer:     TFJOB
Duration:    11m

NAME                        STATUS     AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
----                        ------     ---  --------  --------------  ----
tf-standalone-test-chief-0  Completed  11m  true      1               cn-beijing.

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Get the logs of training job instance.

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test -i tf-standalone-test-chief-0 -n 10

Accuracy at step 9920: 0.9819
Accuracy at step 9930: 0.9821
Accuracy at step 9940: 0.9827
Accuracy at step 9950: 0.982
Accuracy at step 9960: 0.9814
Accuracy at step 9970: 0.9818
Accuracy at step 9980: 0.9823
Accuracy at step 9990: 0.9823
Adding run metadata for 9999
Total Train-accuracy=0.9823

4. If you want to get a training job logs in a duration, for example, --since 5m represents that getting the training job logs from five minutes ago to the present.

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test --since 5m

5. If you want to real-time display the training job logs, -f is required.

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test -f