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MPI job with specified configuration files

the following steps will help you pass the configuration files to containers when submiting jobs.

1. prepare the sample configuration files, create a test file which name is "test-config.json",its' path is "/tmp/test-config.json". we want push this file to containers of a mpi job and the path in container is "/etc/config/config.json".

$ cat /tmp/test-config.json
    "key": "job-config"


2. submit a mpijob, and assign the configuration file with option --config-file.

$ arena submit mpi --name=mpi-dist \
    --gpus=1 \
    --workers=1 \
    --image=centos:7 \
    --tensorboard \
    --config-file /tmp/test-config.json:/etc/config/config.json \
    "sleep 600"

you can use --config-file <host_path_file>:<container_path_file> to assign a configuration file to containers.


there is some rules:

  • if assignd <host_path_file> and not assign <container_path_file> , we see <container_path_file> is the same as <host_path_file>.
  • <container_path_file> must be a file with absolute path.
  • you can use --config-file more than one in a command,eg: --config-file <file1>:<container_file1> --config-file <file2>:<container_file2>.

3. query the job details and make sure the job is "RUNNING".

$ arena get mpi-dist
Name:        mpi-dist
Status:      RUNNING
Namespace:   default
Priority:    N/A
Trainer:     MPIJOB
Duration:    19s

NAME                     STATUS   AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
----                     ------   ---  --------  --------------  ----
mpi-dist-launcher-6fwhd  Running  19s  true      0               cn-beijing.
mpi-dist-worker-0        Running  19s  false     1               cn-beijing.

Your tensorboard will be available on:

4. use kubectl to check file is in container or not.

$ kubectl exec -ti mpi-dist-worker-0 -- cat /etc/config/config.json
    "key": "job-config"


$ kubectl exec -ti mpi-dist-launcher-6fwhd -- cat /etc/config/config.json
    "key": "job-config"


as you see,the file /etc/config/config.json is existed in the containers.