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MPI job with specified node selectors

Arena supports assigning jobs to some k8s particular nodes(Currently only support mpi job and tf job), the following steps will show how to use this feature.

Label the nodes

1. query k8s cluster information.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
cn-beijing.   Ready    master   2d23h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1
cn-beijing.   Ready    master   2d23h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1
cn-beijing.   Ready    master   2d23h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1
cn-beijing.   Ready    <none>   2d22h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1
cn-beijing.   Ready    <none>   2d22h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1
cn-beijing.   Ready    <none>   2d22h   v1.12.6-aliyun.1

2. label the nodes,for example: label node cn-beijing." and node cn-beijing. with gpu_node=true ,label node cn-beijing. with ssd_node=true.

$ kubectl label nodes cn-beijing. gpu_node=true
node/cn-beijing. labeled
$ kubectl label nodes cn-beijing. gpu_node=true
node/cn-beijing. labeled
$ kubectl label nodes cn-beijing. ssd_node=true
node/cn-beijing. labeled

Roles are running with the same node selectors

3. you can use --selector to assgin nodes, for example::

$ arena submit mpi --name=mpi-dist \
    --gpus=1 \
    --workers=1 \
    --selector gpu_node=true \ \
    --tensorboard \
    "mpirun python /benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ --model resnet101 --batch_size 64     --variable_update horovod --train_dir=/training_logs --summary_verbosity=3 --save_summaries_steps=10"

4. check the job status.

$ arena get mpi-dist
    Name:        mpi-dist
    Status:      RUNNING
    Namespace:   default
    Priority:    N/A
    Trainer:     MPIJOB
    Duration:    32s

    NAME               STATUS             AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
    ----               ------             ---  --------  --------------  ----
    mpi-dist-worker-0  Running            32s  false     1               cn-beijing.

    Your tensorboard will be available on:

the job have been running on cn-beijing. is,label is gpu_node=true).