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Submit a standalone tensorflow job

Submit the job

Here is an example how you can use Arena for the machine learning training. It will download the source code from git url.

1. the first step is to check the available resources:

$ arena top node

NAME                       IPADDRESS      ROLE    STATUS  GPU(Total)  GPU(Allocated)
cn-hongkong.  <none>  Ready   0           0
cn-hongkong.  <none>  Ready   1           0
cn-hongkong.  <none>  Ready   1           0
cn-hongkong.  <none>  Ready   1           0
Allocated/Total GPUs In Cluster:
0/3 (0.0%)

There are 3 available nodes with GPU for running training jobs.

2. Now we can submit a training job with arena, it will download the source code from github:

$ arena \
  submit \
  tfjob \
  --gpus=1 \
  --name=tf-standalone-test-with-git \
  --env=TEST_TMPDIR=code/tensorflow-sample-code/ \
  --sync-mode=git \
  --sync-source= \
  --logdir=/training_logs \
  --image="" \
  "'python code/tensorflow-sample-code/tfjob/docker/mnist/ --max_steps 5000'"

configmap/tf-git-tfjob created
configmap/tf-git-tfjob labeled created
INFO[0000] The Job tf-git has been submitted successfully
INFO[0000] You can run `arena get tf-git --type tfjob` to check the job status


  • if you can't pull the image "", please replace it with ""


  • tfjob will execute the entrypoint command with sh by default, if you want to use bash, please spefify the shell by using --shell=bash
  • the source code will be downloaded and extracted to the directory code/ of the working directory. The default working directory is /root, you can also specify by using --workingDir. Also, you may specify the branch you are pulling code from by addding --env GIT_SYNC_BRANCH=main to the paramasters while submitting the job.
  • If you are using the private git repo, you can use the following command:

$ arena submit tf \
--name=tf-git \
--gpus=1 \
--image=tensorflow/tensorflow:1.5.0-devel-gpu \
--syncMode=git \
--syncSource= \
--env=GIT_SYNC_USERNAME=yourname \
--env=GIT_SYNC_PASSWORD=yourpwd \
"python code/tensorflow-sample-code/tfjob/docker/mnist/"


arena is using git-sync to sync up source code. You can set the environment variables defined in git-sync project.

List all tensorflow jobs

You can use arena list --type tfjob to list all tensorflow jobs:

$ arena list --type tfjob
NAME                         STATUS   TRAINER  DURATION  GPU(Requested)  GPU(Allocated)  NODE
tf-standalone-test-with-git  PENDING  TFJOB    3s        0               0               N/A

If you want to list all training jobs,you can use arena list:

$ arena list
NAME                         STATUS     TRAINER     DURATION  GPU(Requested)  GPU(Allocated)  NODE
tf-standalone-test-with-git  PENDING    TFJOB       5m        0               0               N/A
pytorch-test                 FAILED     PYTORCHJOB  10m       1               N/A   
mpi-dist                     SUCCEEDED  MPIJOB      1m        0               N/A   

Get the tensorflow job detail information

If you want to get the job details, you can use arena get:

$ arena get tf-standalone-test-with-git
Name:        tf-standalone-test-with-git
Status:      PENDING
Namespace:   default
Priority:    N/A
Trainer:     TFJOB
Duration:    7m

NAME                                 STATUS    AGE  IS_CHIEF  GPU(Requested)  NODE
----                                 ------    ---  --------  --------------  ----
tf-standalone-test-with-git-chief-0  Init:0/1  7m   true      0               N/A

Get the tensorflow job logs

When the job status is running, use arena logs to get the job logs:

$ arena logs tf-standalone-test-with-git --tail 10
Accuracy at step 4920: 0.9828
Accuracy at step 4930: 0.9823
Accuracy at step 4940: 0.9827
Accuracy at step 4950: 0.9824
Accuracy at step 4960: 0.983
Accuracy at step 4970: 0.979
Accuracy at step 4980: 0.9821
Accuracy at step 4990: 0.9823
Adding run metadata for 4999
Total Train-accuracy=0.9823

In this case,we only display the last 10 lines of the logs.

Get the logviewer

More information about the training job in the logviewer:

$ arena logviewer tf-standalone-test-with-git
Your LogViewer will be available on:


Delete the job

When the job is completed, use arena delete to delete the job:

$ arena delete tf-standalone-test-with-git

Congratulations! You've run the first training job with arena successfully.